For pictures of past net picnics click on the ARCHIVE tab above
Bob Perry, K6GDI
SK 2/14/19
Annual Picnic Set For May 3, 2025
A Visit to MFJ Enterprises
The threat of rain didn't deter 24 members, family and friends of the San Joaquin Net from attending the picnic this year. This annual event was held in Kingsburg at Downtown Park located under their well-known teapot water tower.
Larry, AD6W and Mel, KI6SK hosted us in their beautiful city. Thank you, Larry, for making all of the necessary reservations and obtaining the facility use permits. Mel served as our BBQer under the watchful eye of his wife Chris. Thank you, Mel, for also donating the burgers and BBQ supplies and Larry for donating the hot dogs, paper and plastic supplies AND the multiple choices of ice cream and sorbet.
Also representing Kingsburg was special guest John Wright, KO6CGK, former Kingsburg mayor. We are hoping to hear John on net once he gets his HF station in operation.
There was an abundance of great salads, desserts and drinks supplied by those attending to compliment the grilled food. Most importantly, this was a great chance to build on the friendships that have been built over the years on the air.
Thank you all for attending!
Harry L. "Bud" Odgers, WA6OVE
2024 Annual Picnic Held on May 4th!
Alan Bowker, WA6DNR
SK 03/08/24
The 2025 San Joaquin Net picnic will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025, at Memorial Park in Kingsburg. This is the same park where the 2023 picnic was held (NOT the "Coffee Pot Park" where the 2024 picnic was held).
Memorial Park is located at the North/West corner of Sierra Street and 18th Avenue in Kingsburg. Larry AD6W has reserved the pavilion covered picnic area. The site can be accessed easily from State Highway 99 on Sierra Street bounded by 16th and 18th Avenues. It has the best RV parking with unmarked parallel parking all the way around 3 sides of the park.
Alan J. Vicenti, N6QOG
SK 4/16/20
Carl Evans, K6OHI
SK 05/06/22
Jack Green, KK6LK
SK 12/27/21
Joe Mizutani, WB6KCE
SK 2/8/19
Roland H. Ron
SK 3/5/20
William "Bill" Chu, K6CHU
SK 5/23/24
Here are a few pictures so far. If you have other pictures to submit, please send to
Thanks to Rich AD6X and Myron WA6BLB for these so far!
Edith L. "Salley" Nikkel, WB6FOA
Roger Corum, WD6CNV
SK 2/3/19
San Joaquin Net meets Monday-Saturday on 3918 khz, at 6 PM Pacific Time
Robert "Bob" Kieffer, WG6Q
SK 10/5/21
San Joaquin Net History
The San Joaquin Net was formed
April 28, 1959 by K6EJT Bill with a group of amateur radio operators that included:
Al K6RPL, Roger K6HEZ, Alex W6BWM, Fred WA6AFW, Joe W6YQK, Jim K6ZFM, Floyd W6MJS, Verne K6EBO, John W6QRB, Sam K6OBG, Charlie K6SWW and Mike WA6OLG.
They met on 3.915 Kc every night but Sundays and holidays.
Members gave a weather report from their area.
The net increased in members, and changed the name to The San
Joaquin Net. The net has grown to a membership of over seventy
members with QTH's throughout California.
The history of the San Joaquin Net was
Compiled by Edith L. "Salley" Nikkel WB6FOA of Pleasant Hill and copied
by Harry L. "Bud" Odgers WA6OVE of El Portal
April, 1991
Remembering Our Silent Keys
Celebrating 65 years of service!
Ralph W. Matthews , NA6D
SK 5/14/21
George Stevans, K6SNA
SK 8/6/19
Net Manager: Bill Mercer WB6FEH
Net Manager Emeritus: Jim Wintemute AA6F
Net Secretary: Ken Martzen W6WMD
Assistant Net Secretary: Jeff Lillard AD6RH
Web Master: Myron Sheklian WA6BLB
Myron (WA6BLB) and Debbie (N6IBH) went on a vacation to visit their son Christopher (KF6FGJ) in Starkville, Mississippi in late February. Some of you may know or remember Starkville is home to MFJ Enterprises, Ameritron, Hygain, Cushcraft, etc. Although they have quit new manufacturing, fourteen employees still work at the plant shipping out remaining products, parts and doing repairs. We decided to pay a random visit there which is a couple of miles away from the Mississippi State University campus where Christopher works as a university professor. We were greeted by a friendly bunch of current employees. One took us on a private tour of MFJ and another guided us through the antenna building. Below are just a few pictures from that trip.
Copyright © Myron Sheklian.- WA6BLB - All costs for providing this website courtesy of WA6BLB.