San Joaquin Net Picnic
May 7, 2016
Pictures courtesy of Rich, AD6X
On May 7, 2022, our Annual SJ Net Picnic was held with special thanks to our Kingsburg Radio Club members. Larry AD6W again secured and paid for the reservation of the arbor at Memorial Park. KI6SK Mel provided the barbecue and hamburgers, K6LYI provided the condiments, and AD6W Larry supplied homemade ice cream. AA6F Jim again barbequed the hot dogs and Myron WA6BLB brought the soft drinks and bottled water. A special treat was Bob's (SK K6GDI) wife's carrot cake supplied courtesy of Bob, K6RMW. My apologies to others that brought items such as the great salads, cobblers and other ice cream that I have not mentioned here.
WA6MIZ Steve doing some feedline repairs on K6SNA George's antenna tower!
Back Row: Jack WY6B, Glenita KB6PKN, Rich AD6X, Ken W6WMD, Jim AA6F, Jim WA6KKD, Myron WA6BLB, Sarah WD6FUF,
Robert K6LYI, Larry AD6W, Bill WB6FEH
Front Row: Shirley KD6DJD, Cathy KJ6EM, Bob K6RMW, Bob K6GDI, Mike WB6VGL, Roger WD6CNV
Not Pictured But Attending: Chuck W6DPD
San Joaquin Net Members at International DX Convention
Visalia, CA April 21, 2018
The pictures below are of WA6KKD's power pole tower and antennas today. 40+ years ago Jim operated using these antennas at his family home in Cutler, California. The family home was sold after his parents' deaths, but the antennas remain - although not as straight when Jim operated!
Pictures courtesy of Rich, AD6X and Sarah WD6FUF
Enjoy a great article about Morse code, CW, and amateur radio that was included in the Jan/Feb 2023 Smithsonian Magazine. It appears to be written by a non-ham but was very factual. Special thanks to my son, Christopher KF6FGJ who shared it saying, "I thought it was really neat and a nice tribute to some of what makes Ham Radio such a special hobby."
CLICK HERE to read the article.
2019 Annual SJ Picnic
Roeding Park Fresno - May 4th
The 2019 San Joaquin Net Picnic was held on Saturday, May 4th at Roeding Park in Fresno at the Pine Grove Shelter. Set up began shortly after 9:00 and people started trickling in after that. As usual, there was a great spread of salads and desserts to accompany the entrees and the perfectly grilled hot dogs by Jim - AA6F!
Photos courtesy of Sarah, WD6FUF
Choinumni Campout
May 3 - 4, 2016
San Joaquin Net Picnic
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2023 - Annual Picnic in Kingsburg
May 7, 2022 Annual Picnic in Kingsburg
8/4/2020 - Bill, WB6FEH, recently was going through printed materials in his late dad's (WB6OTB) shack and came across these two items he wanted to share with net members. The QST article is a reprint from the November 1965 QST magazine that featured his amateur radio family.
Great Article on Morse Code and CW
Pictures courtesy of Rich, AD6X
Approximately twenty San Joaquin Net members and family gathered for this year's annual picnic at Kingsburg's beautiful Memorial Park on Saturday, May 6, 2023. There was no rain and with temperatures in the mid-60's, it was almost perfect.
A special thanks to Larry AD6W who made the reservations and covered the cost for the pavilion rental. Mel KI6SK once again set up, built the fire and barbequed the hamburgers (which he donated) and hot dogs (donated by Jim AA6F). A special thanks to all those that donated the fixings, delicious salads, ice cream, desserts and drinks. There was plenty of good food and conversation during the afternoon.
Below you will find pictures from the event. More will be added as we receive them. For now, thanks to Larry and Myron.
2018 Annual Picnic
The annual San Joaquin Net Picnic was held at Roeding Park in Fresno on Saturday, May 12, 2018. This year the picnic was again located at the Pine Gove Shelter at the northeast corner of the park. Approximately 20 hams were in attendance this year.
Thanks to Sarah WD6FUF, Bill WB6FEH, AD6X Rich (our "official photographer") and Myron WA6BLB for supplying these pictures.
San Joaquin Net Picnic 2014
Copyright © Myron Sheklian.- WA6BLB - All costs for providing this website courtesy of WA6BLB.